Mortgage Clinic With Carbon

Can a Mortgage Clinic help your staff alleviate stress and anxiety in the mortgage market?

Who are we?

We are experts in arranging property finance for the full spectrum of private clients. The cornerstone of our regulated finance department is purchase and remortgage applications on both a residential and buy to let basis. We structure mortgage finance for hundreds of clients every year and have a wealth of experience across our team of advisers. 

What are we offering?

We offer employers a Mortgage Clinic service for their staff. The Clinics are an opportunity for staff members to ask any questions that they may have about mortgages or protection in a relaxed, informal, confidential environment. They are proving to be a real genuine benefit in the UK’s uncertain mortgage climate and staff are thankful to their employer for the opportunity. 

How do they work?

They can be tailored to the needs of the staff, but we would typically attend your offices for a morning or afternoon and book out a meeting room. Staff members can then book an individual time slot to pop in and speak with one of our experienced advisers.  We like to keep them informal and see it more as a ‘chat’ over a cup of coffee to discuss any anxieties as opposed to a full mortgage appointment. 

Why are we offering them?

With current volatility in the market, we are finding that there are some real worries amongst the UK population. As a result of this we have had multiple successful Clinics lately where we have been able to provide expert advice to nervous participants. The feedback from staff members and company owners has been hugely positive with follow up Clinics already booked.

What is covered during the Clinic?

In short, anything. The Clinics are open to everyone, regardless of whether there is a current requirement or not. Below are some popular topics of conversation:

  • I’m worried about my fixed rate expiring. What is the best thing to do?
  • What does the market look like and what do you expect to happen with rates?
  • I am a first-time buyer. How can I get myself in the best possible position to buy and is now the right time or not?
  • I want to do a loft extension; how can I raise the funds against my property to do this?
  • I am thinking about a buy to let, how does this work?
  • I am thinking of moving home, what will it cost me?
  • I am worried about looking after my family if I was ill or passed away, how can I make sure we are protected?

What does it cost?

There is no cost to your company. All the advice provided on the day is free and so is any follow up research. If we end up arranging finance for individuals, then we typically do charge a fee depending on the complexity of the requirement. This would all be explained to the individual prior to transacting any business. There are no hidden fees. 

How do I get this booked?

Please get in touch with Phil Johnson and he can talk through the Mortgage Clinic with you and get it booked into the diary.

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